[f]2928 Rizap Group ライザップグループ

  短期: ¥571~¥857 
  中期: ¥703~¥1,143

Key Indicator

利益率 30%



概要 Outline



現在、注力をしている事業は、ヘルスケア・美容事業のサービスである「ちょこざっぷ(Choco ZAP)」に注力をしています。

Rizap Group is listed on the Sapporo Stock Exchange (not the Tokyo Stock Exchange).
Its turnover exceeds JPY 160 billion and is based on three main businesses: healthcare and beauty, lifestyle and investment.

In FY2024, sales will be 63.2 billion (+18.3 billion/+47.7%) in Healthcare and Beauty, 82.5 billion (-4.9 billion/-8.1%) in Lifestyle and 24.9 billion (-5.8 billion/-19%) in Investment, for a total of approximately 17.6 billion (+4%).

Currently, our focus is on Choco ZAP, a service in the healthcare and beauty business.



Currently (FY2024), looking at operating profit by segment, the Healthcare and Beauty business is -3 billion, the Lifestyle business +2.5 billion, the Investment business +1.3 billion and non-segmental expenses -1.3 billion, for a total loss of -0.6 billion.

The key for the group as a whole is to turn around the healthcare and beauty business, and we base our share price calculations on the ChocoZAP business in particular.


IRバンクサイト https://irbank.net/E00518/bs

競合比較(Competitive comparison)



2024年6月時点の試算(2024/6) Estimate at 2024/6 #1


仮に、今期の前倒し投資分を確保できるとすると、純利益150億円強、 株価レンジは¥ 582 – ¥ 873が適正と想定。








リスク Risks

Impact on the performance of businesses other than ChocoZAP

Sluggish growth in the number of members

Actions for off-auction distribution of shares #2

2024年5月時点の試算(2024/5) Estimate at 2024/5 #1












2024年3月時点の試算(2024/3) Estimate at 2024/3 #2

株式の立会外分売についての結果を考慮Considerations for off-auction distribution of shares results






結果:6,040,100 株


 ・流通量:556,218,400 * 60% = 333,731,040株
・影響:333,731,040 / (6,040,100 + 333,731,040) =98.22% (約1.8%のマイナス影響)

以上より、目標株価を以下に修正する。Based on the above, the target share price is revised as follows.

・短期:582~873円 → 571~857円

・短期:716 ~ 1164円 -> 703~ 1143円

リスク Risks

Impact on the performance of businesses other than ChocoZAP

Sluggish growth in the number of members

Actions for off-auction distribution of shares #2

2024年3月時点の試算(2024/3) Estimate at 2024/3

・新株発行による希薄化を考慮Dilution due to the issue of new shares is taken into account.
 第2回 募集新株予約権の発行内容確定に関するお知らせ


 >以下の新株発行が、社長の瀬戸氏にて実行される。The following new share issues will be executed by the President, Mr Seto.

これによって、瀬戸氏の株式比率が上昇するが、これだけでは流通量は変わらないため、株式価格への影響は限定的とみられる。This will increase Seto’s shareholding ratio, but as this alone will not change the volume of shares in circulation, the impact on the share price is expected to be limited.

・株式の立会外分売についての考慮Considerations for off-auction distribution of shares

 > 先の新株発行した株を、瀬戸氏が立会外で売却:株数は Seto sold off-auction shares in a previous new share issue: the number of shares was following

 ・流通量:556,218,400 * 60% = 333,731,040株
・影響:333,731,040 / (27,755,200 + 333,731,040) =92.3% (約8%のマイナス影響)

The impact on the share price will be taken into account here.
-Existing, issued shares: 556,218,400.
 Of these, around 60% are held by Seto’s relatives, so the volume of shares in circulation is as follows.
 The volume of shares in circulation is: 556,218,400 * 60% = 333,731,040 shares.
The impact on the volume of shares in circulation is as follows
Impact: 333,731,040 / (27,755,200 + 333,731,040) = 92.3% (negative impact of approximately 8%)


The impact on the sale of the shares is therefore -8%.

なお、第3回の新株予約権についても発表がなされており、こちらも合計52,710,000株ほど発行がされる可能性がある。ただし、今回のように発効後に分売される可能性は低いと現時点では考えている。An announcement has also been made regarding a third series of warrants, which may also be issued for a total of around 52,710,000 shares. However, it is currently considered unlikely that the shares will be sold in instalments after they come into effect, as was the case this time.

・配当性向20%を考慮するか検討Consider whether a dividend payout ratio of 20% should be taken into account

 2月14日に、今後の配当方針がアナウンスされたOn 14 February, the future dividend policy was announced.

 そうしたときに、30,000,000,000円/600,000,000株 = 50円 となる。

(This indicates a policy of paying out dividends as a dividend payout ratio of 20% (while looking at the situation for the full year ending 31 March 2013).
 Assuming that the Lifestyle and Investment businesses generate a profit of YOKO YOKO 3 billion and the Healthcare and Beauty businesses generate a profit of around 27 billion, assuming that the Healthcare and Beauty businesses are performing well and generate a net profit of 30 billion.
 Assume that the number of shares will probably exceed 600,000,000 in issue at the same time.
 At that time, 30 billion yen/600 billion shares = 50 yen.

50円は大きな数字ではあるが、純利益の見通しも楽観的であり、今後の状況を注視する必要があると判断し、Although 50 yen is a large figure, the company is optimistic about the net profit forecast and it is necessary to keep a close eye on the future situation, We have decided not to consider the impact of the dividend on the share price at this time.


以上より、目標株価を以下に修正する。Based on the above, the target share price is revised as follows.

・短期:582~873円 → 535~803円

・短期:716 ~ 1164円 -> 658 ~ 1070円

リスク Risks

Impact on the performance of businesses other than ChocoZAP

Sluggish growth in the number of members

Dilution due to the issue of new shares

2024年1月時点の試算(2024/1) Estimate at 2024/1

January 2024, estimated as follows.

発行済み株式数 Number of shares issued:556,218,400-

Profit margin set at 30%.

1,000 persons per shop.

客単価 Customer value:¥3000円

With reference to other companies in the same industry.
The PER is set at approximately 20-30x as appropriate.




18,000,000,000/556,218,400 = 19.41円

想定PER(20~30倍)を設定すると、19.41円*20~30倍 = 388円~582円のレンジを想定。

[1,000 shops, 1,000,000 people].
Annual sales are 3,000 yen * 1,000,000 people * 12 months = 36 billion yen.

Since the profit margin is 30%, the net profit is set at ¥10.8 billion.

Net profit per share for a net profit of 18 billion yen is

18,000,000,000/556,218,400 = JPY 19.41

Setting an assumed PER (20~30x), we assume a range of ¥19.41*20~30x = ¥388~582.


Similarly, for 1,500 shops and 1.5 million people, the appropriate range is set at ¥ 582 – ¥ 873


Similarly, for 2,000 shops and 2 million people, the appropriate range is set at ¥716 – ¥1164.

現時点の評価 Current assessment

At present, it is considered that the share price should be adopted on the basis of 1.5 million as a realistic outlook. The appropriate share price is set at 582-873.

リスク Risks

Impact on the performance of businesses other than ChocoZAP

Sluggish growth in the number of members

Dilution due to the issue of new shares

日本のフィットネス人口から、どの程度まで会員数を増やせるかを試算Estimates of the extent to which membership can be increased based on Japan’s fitness population.

日本の人口(Population of japan) *baby and children including
 2020年 … 120,000,000
 2030年 … 116,000,000
 2050年 … 95,000,000
form 総務省データ
 参考ref) https://www.soumu.go.jp/main_content/000273900.pdf

日本のフィットネス参加割合(Fitness participation rate in Japan)
人口に対して、3.3%~5%程度 (3.3% ~ 5% of the population)
 2020年 … 120,000,000 -> 3,960,000~6,000,000
 2030年 … 116,000,000 -> 3,480,000~5,800,000
 2050年 … 95,000,000 -> 3,135,000~4,750,000

アメリカのフィットネス参加割合は20%程度であり、Rizapグループの目標も、日本のフィットネス人口を20%程度まで引き上げようと公表している。The fitness participation rate in the US is around 20%, and the Rizap Group has also announced its goal to raise the fitness population in Japan to around 20%.
参考ref) https://www.a-t-company.jp/know-how/fitness-participation-rate/
日本のフィットネス参加割合が、20%になった場合、(If the fitness participation rate in Japan)
 2020年 … 120,000,000 -> 24,000,000
 2030年 … 116,000,000 -> 23,200,000
 2050年 … 95,000,000 -> 19,000,000

現時点を5%としたときの、GAPは。If the current situation is 5%, the GAP between future situation(20%) is.
2020年 = 24,000,000 – 6,000,000 = 18,000,000
2030年 = 23,200,000 – 5,800,000 = 17,400,000
2050年 = 19,000,000 – 4,750,000 = 9,500,000

注意点として、この20%という数値が実現可能かは留意が必要と考える。日本では、20年近くをかけてもフィットネス人口を数パーセントしか増加させることができなかった。ただし、若年層の健康意識の高まり、高齢者の増加による健康への社会的ニーズが高まっている。また、従来のフィットネスジムとは異なり、美容関連のサブスクとしての価値を感じることができるチョコザップは、今までリーチができていなかった層に対しても、フィットネス層として取り入れることに成功しているといえる。As a point of caution, it should be noted whether this figure of 20 per cent is feasible. In Japan, it has taken nearly two decades to increase the fitness population by only a few per cent. However, there is a growing social need for health due to increasing health awareness among younger people and an increasing number of elderly people. In addition, unlike conventional fitness gyms, ChocoZAP’s perceived value as a beauty-related sub-subscription has succeeded in attracting a fitness segment to the population it had not previously been able to reach.
 参考ref) https://business.fitnessclub.jp/articles/-/1337


とはいえ、既存の500万人のフィットネス人口に、100万人を加えても、20%に及ぶことはなく現実的な数値として、2030年までに毎年100万人弱の増加(重要シナリオ)と仮定し、フィットネス人口10%であれば達成可能と考えた。Nevertheless, adding one million people to the existing fitness population of five million would not amount to 20%, and as a realistic figure, we assumed an increase of just under one million people each year by 2030, which would be achievable if the fitness population was 10% of the total population.
2024 -> 600
2025 -> 680~700
2026 -> 760~800
2027 -> 820~900
2028 -> 900~1000
2029 -> 980~1100 reach 1000
2030 -> 116 ~ 1200

基準を2030年に置き、10%をターゲットとすると、その総数は11,600,000人と仮定する。Thereafter, the criterion is set at 2030 and the growing fitness population is assumed to be 11,600,000.

※ただし、チョコザップはフィットネス事業を、箱物サブスクリプションの集合体にさせようとしているため、その他の需要がニーズを喚起して会員数が増加した場合は、その限りではない。*But this is not the case if other demands stimulate a need and increase membership, as Chocozap is trying to make the fitness business a collection of boxed subscriptions.

※また、海外動向についても母数の計算に影響を及ぼすため注視。Trends in international expansion are also closely monitored as they affect the calculation of the population.

現在のデータでチョコザップのシェアを見てみると、競合からシェアを奪わない前提で、6,000,000人(日本の人口の5%)、1,000,000人(ChocoZAP user)でシェアは14%となる。Looking at ChocoZAP’s market share with current data, assuming that it does not lose market share from competitors, 6,000,000 people (5% of the Japanese population) and 1,000,000 (ChocoZAP users) would give it a market share of 14%.
1,000,000/7,000,000(6,000,000+1,000,000) = 14%
参考ref) https://lp.chocozap.jp/note-03/

(中期の会員数*楽観シナリオ good scenario)
2030年に、フィットネス人口が、11,600,000人となった前提で。仮にチョコザップのシェアが年間2%上昇し、28%(楽観、重要シナリオ)とすると、チョコザップ会員数は以下と見積。Assuming that, in 2030, the fitness population is 11,600,000. Assuming that Chocozap’s market share increases by 2% per year to 28%, the number of Chocozap members is estimated to be

11,600,000 * 28% = 3,248,000

1店舗あたりの人数を850人とした場合、これを満たす店舗数はIf the number of people per shop is 850, the number of shops meeting this requirement is
3,248,000 / 850 = 3,821店

(中期の会員数*悲観シナリオ bad scenario)
2030年に、フィットネス人口が、11,600,000人となった前提で。仮にチョコザップのシェアが10%(悲観、重要シナリオ)まで低下したとすると、チョコザップ会員数は以下と見積。Assuming that, in 2030, the fitness population is 11,600,000. If Chocozap’s market share were to decline to 10% (pessimistic, key scenario), the number of Chocozap members is estimated to be

11,600,000 * 10% = 1,160,000人(as is)

1,160,000 / 850 = 1,364店


(中期の会員数*Mixシナリオ usual scenario)
2030年に、フィットネス人口が、11,600,000人となった前提で。仮にチョコザップのシェアが14%(重要シナリオ)を維持したとすると、チョコザップ会員数は以下と見積。Assuming that, in 2030, the fitness population is 11,600,000. Assuming that Chocozap maintains a 14% market share (key scenario), the number of Chocozap members is estimated to be

11,600,000 * 14% = 1,624,000

1,624,000 / 850 = 1,910店

2024年3月の時点から、先5,6年を見たときに、1店舗当たりの会員を維持できる前提で、約2000店舗店舗までは、安定した店舗展開が可能と考え買い(事業は伸びる)とする。2000店舗を超えた後にも、店舗の伸びと、1店舗当たりの利用者数を確認しつつ、3800店舗までは、やや買い。とした。From March 2024, looking at the next five or six years, we think that stable shop development is possible up to about 2,000 shops, assuming that the number of members per shop can be maintained, and therefore a buy (business will grow); even after 2,000 shops, checking shop growth and the number of users per shop, we think that 3,800 shops The company is a slight buy up to 3,800 outlets, while checking store growth and the number of users per outlet. The company is a buy (business will grow) as it believes that store expansion is possible.
